Dear Z, Goodbye✌

I am always afraid that if I open my mouth to really tell people how I feel, it's going to be a real shit show. Like I'm going to go double barrel on people and sometimes I don't think it's worth it. Anyway, today I'm going to tell you about my friend, one that I held so dearly to my heart but because he's a bitch, he broke my heart. Enjoy!

Dear Z, 
I took me a long time to be able to pen down my feelings about you. Even now, I don't think I am fully ready. However, I need to get past this as quickly as possible, so here we go. 

I am not going to lie and say you weren't a sweet person. I am not going to pretend we didn't have good times, but all that changed because you never valued me. I gave you everything a friend can give, I gave you my time, I gave you my brains, I gave you my love and I gave you my friendship but you abused it. 

I tried to stay friends, I tried to see you countless times. I remember this one time I wanted to see you and you said I should wait for you. I did wait, for hours but you never came. I called and you said I should go and pick up a package at the gate of your house. Really bitch!!! I wanted to see you but you thought I wanted your gifts? I missed my friend and wanted to spend time with him but instead of giving me his "precious" time, he insulted my very being. You insulted me Z, thinking that I need your material gifts. I have never been so deeply insulted. 

Let's even forget all that happened. Let's forget you weren't this shitty person. For god's sake I came to you telling you how I needed to be involved in more humanitarian work that had to do with children so that I can get a scholarship for my PhD. You were planning to open an NGO that does that and you didn't tell me. You didn't even include me or keep me in the loop, isn't that wickedness? I wouldn't have even asked you to pay me. I would have done it for free the same way I wrote your dissertation for free. I had to hear from someone else what you were planning. Now you're talking about how you want me onboard because I found out. 

See, I really don't want to be extra mean to you because of the past we shared so I'll make this easy for the both of us. You were my friend but I wasn't your friend. I really liked you but you never treated me like I was worthy of your time. I've learnt my lesson and I'm moving on. This is the end, this is really the end of whatever the fuck this was. 

I wish you all the best in what you do and I hope you have a good life, i really do. ✌


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