Turning 25

I told myself that I wanted to have a day of solitude and that's what i got. I woke up in the morning to many massages and calls. Replied to as many as I could and went back to bed again. Then I woke up some few minutes later and I fixed myself a sexy bath. I had some bath salts I've been meaning to try and a nice rose petal pack. I had wine in the tub as I read a favourite chapter from one of my best authors. Then I retired to bed again. Then I woke up by 11am and had the breakfast of my life. With so much joy I went back to bed, put on an old movie and got myself ice cream. I also responded to some messages. 
I literally got tired from texting and returning calls so I put my phone on silent and I forgot to take it out. I missed so many calls but I really couldn't be bothered. 
I thought about my life, what I've done with the 25 years I've been privileged to live and believe me when I say, for the first time in my life, I am truly satisfied and happy with how far I have come. I have good friend and my family is safe. I couldn't even ask for more. I have completed everything I said I was going to do on my "25 things to do before 25" list. However, I have some regrets. 
I regret not travelling more when I had the finances and resources. I also regret spending so much time on people who didn't deserve my love and friendship. I wish I put that time into something more fruitful. 
My ex showed up with gifts for me and I regret giving him my address because he was the last person I wanted to see. Not that I hold anger but he isn't really a nice person. 
I also thought about relationships. I always think about relationships. I remembered that a few days back, I ruined a good friendship and I honestly don't know how to fix it. Talking to someone at ease isn't something I find easy but with this friend, it came so easy. Now we don't even talk anymore. 
I also regret that I couldn't sky dive when I got the opportunity. I hope I can correct all of this in this new year. 
It was a good day I treasured and I am really grateful for all the people who have helped me become this amazing woman. Can't wait to see what I accomplish this year. 


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