Allow me to be me

To often, I find myself to be emotionally stressed and strained. This is not because i’m in a draining physical/emotion relationship but because I am just so tired of people dictating how I or any other woman should live her life. “You can't do that, you're a lady”, “You can't say that, its unladylike like”. To all of you who feel this way, I say a big FUCK YOU.

I want to live a life where I am allowed to be me. I am allowed not to wear a bra on days that I don't feel like. I am allowed not to look slim and fit. Days I am allowed to spend as I like, go places I want to and drink whatever I want. I want to say what I feel without someone whispering behind me and complaining that I am “too opinionated”. I want to be treated as a fucking human being who has the right to be alive like her male counterparts.

I am tired of being censored by societal norms and expectations. I want to be able to be the woman I know I can be. To stop thinking of what others would say and to start doing what I feel is my purpose on this earth. This is why I repulse people who think I should be a certain way because you know a bit of my heritage and feel I should follow suit.

The truth is that I am not a fighter, but I won't remain silent to the oppression that would subdue me to a lesser human. I SIMPLY WONT……….


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